November Newsletter

Blissfully Clean would first like to take the opportunity to thank all our customers for their kindness, loyalty and cups of tea! This is our first newsletter and hope that you will enjoy reading them each month as we hope to pack them full of fun and informative information, we would also like to give you the opportunity, should you wish, to have your say, so put your thinking caps on and let us know before December, any tips for xmas are welcome.Flowering Sage

As this is our first Newsletter it’s only fitting that we tell you a little bit about the creation of Blissfully Clean. The Partners Suzanne and Jo have over 10 years experience working within the Health and Fitness Industry, with Suzanne’s background in Marketing and Management and Jo’s in Exercise and law, and both with large busy families, Suzanne and Jo could see a need for good domestic home help that provides a trustworthy services. Both Suzanne and Jo also have strong backgrounds in alternative therapy and have many ideas to encompass this into caring for your home! (watch this space).

We also would like to welcome Amy platek to our team, Amy also works as a carer and at her local pub she has a young family and we wish her all the best working for Blissfully Clean.

Well it’s getting to that time of year again where we stock up on our medicine cupboard and dig out the long johns, but as much as we suffer from the cold winters so to do our homes! So here are a few tips to get your home through the winter;

• Employ a professional to clean outside gutters and clear your roof of debris.
• Clean out your medicine cabinet.
• Weather strip your windows and doors.
• Clean your mattress, this should be done twice a year and keeps the dust mites under control, remember to vacuum both sides of the mattress.
• Have an outdoor mat.
• Clean out the fridge and freezer, this will also help them work more efficiently.
• Keep a torch handy.
• Try heating your home on a lower temperature for longer rather than short bursts on a high temperature.

Did you know?
Burning candles is a lovely way to relax however a fire started by a candle is very likely not covered on your home insurance!!

Blissfully Clean now offer a new and revolutionary way to clean your home.

This new probiotic multi-surface cleaner works by keeping the good bacteria in your home and eliminating the bad stuff and importantly unlike some common cleaning products, probiotic cleaning is Non-Toxic, So better for you and your home. This multisurface cleaner protects against harmful bacteria for up to 8 days and is a bargain at £2.99.


Fun time
To win a bottle of Aggies multisurface probiotic cleaner all you have to do is answer the question below, should you all be clever enough to answer correctly the winner will be the first name pulled out of the hat!!

Here goes; A completely black dog was strolling down the road during a total black out affecting the entire town, not a single street light had been on for hours, suddenly a car with broken head lights speedily approaches the dog but manages to swerve out of the way just in time. How could the driver have seen the dog in time to swerve? Good luck
We hope that you have enjoyed our first newsletter should you require any further information about the domestic cleaning services and products on offer contact us either by email or phone.